Tuesday, November 26, 2013

distinct difference....

I walk over and see Daxton LICKING the computer screen....

me: "what are you doing?!? you don't lick the computer screen"
D: "It told me to use my mouth"
computer game repeats: "use you MOUSE to click on the biggest number"
me: "buddy it said your MOUSE not MOUTH."


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Good to know...

Me "I'm selling some stuff to make room for your new toys.."
Z: "like what?"
Me: "Your legos"
Z "No"
Me: "Your Barbies"
Z "No"
Me: "Rocket (her Guinea Pig)"
Z: "No"
Gary Mattes "mommy?"
Z "..................."
Me:" HEY!"

bottle this up....

just a small moment from the day...

Zoey got off the bus and told Dax she had a special surprise for him.... When we walked in the door, she gave him a dinosaur that she picked out for him from her "treasure box" at school for her good behavior!

makes me smile and think... maybe they do like each other.....

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


In true Halloween tradition, we carved a pumpkin.... and it pretty much looked this... me cleaning out the pumpkin and the kids ran off....

Then once it was time to carve they were all about it...

Zoey wanted a 'scary' pumpkin this year... so that is what she got!

All my pumpkins...