Sunday, September 26, 2010

3 Months

This picture is a pretty good representation of month 3 with little Daxton.. You are a MUCH happier baby! and we are enjoying the time with you much more than we had, sad to admit, but TRUE! Daxton is wearing 0-3 months, and a few 3-6 month clothes. You are still tiny to us.. you eat and eat and eat.. but it doesn't seem to effect your size... You probably weigh about 13-14 pounds. You love soy formula and oatmeal at night before bed. You talk up a STORM, with shrieks and babbles, that make you laugh! There is almost a laugh coming, but not quite yet. Everyone says how BEAUTIFUL you are, and that you are "too pretty to be a boy." You do not like riding in the car still, but its getting better. You LOVE to hold something in your hands, often a blanket. You are sleeping through the night!!!!! Mostly between 8-10 hours! You go to sleep at 10 and wake-up by 8...You do not like your swaddle at night to sleep, and you try to break free nightly. You take between 3-4 naps a day, with a long one in the afternoon, this often falls when Zoey takes her nap, which makes mommy VERY HAPPY! You are quite the little flirt, and several girls in your life are obsessed with you.. but you are a momma's boy... remember that! We love you Dax...

Dax can..
- sleep 8-10 hours at night
- take 3-4 naps a day
- eat 3-4 TBSP of oatmeal
- talk and babble all day
- smile
- almost laugh
- do a half roll to his side
- hold his head up
- start to discover his hands/try to suck his thumb or fingers
- break out of a swaddle blanket

Dax likes...
- when you talk to him
- playing in his ocean play gym
- bouncer seat
- to see what is going on
- sitting up in the corner of our couch

Dax doesn't like...
- being swaddled at night
- tummy time
- being left alone, or with no one paying attention to him
- the bumbo seat :(
- riding in the car/carseat

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