Tuesday, April 26, 2011

10 months old!

My baby boy is 10 months old.. that means in two short months he will be one.. gees.. good thing he is a momma's boy, and I get all the snuggles.. cause he is growing up far too fast! You are a happy boy, quick with smiles and giggles. Dax you move much to fast and ALL THE TIME! You are a squirm-a worm! You love to splash in the tub and pool and jibber jab talking. You love your bottle, it calms you no matter what is going on... You want to be part of the action no matter what is going on, especially when mommy is involved.

Dax likes..
- to eat - feed himself
- bottles, even the sound makes him happy
- to laugh
- to be scared
- mommy- beginnings of separation anxiety
- putting EVERYTHING in his mouth, including dog food
- being with his sister, and doing what she is doing

Dax does not like..
- being put back or reset...
- being taken away from what he was playing with i.e. - the dogs water bowl
- not being able to crawl
- sitting for periods of time

Dax can..
- jibber jabber - like crazy no actual words but a lot of babababababab
- wave hi and bye bye
- dance to music
- walk assisted by us or a toy
- make animal noises - bunny, lion, pig, elephant, fish
- stand alone for 10-20 seconds
- crawl as fast as lighting
- walk along anything willing to hold him

Diaper size 3
Clothes size 9 month and some 12 month
shoes size 3

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