Oh Dax.. you are 11 months old.. now we are getting to the good part. This is the start of my favorite age... just old enough to be interactive and fun.. but still young enough to where I can control most of what you do :) You are the smiliest boy, and soo sweet! A tiny little peanut, with poop issues. YOu are a definite momma's boy. If I leave the room you search for me, then once you see me you give the biggest grin... and melt my heart.. although, when I am busy in the kitchen.. it would be a bit easier to not have you grappled to my legs.
Dax can..
- take steps! 5-6 at one time!
- give the best kisses and loves(resting his head on my shoulder)
- say dada, mama, baba.. and something that sounds like dank dan when i give you things.. I would like to imagine this is thank you.. but that might be a stretch...
- scream loudly!!
Dax likes..
- mommy
- being held/picked up
- playing with wheels.. pushing them, spinning them... anything.. he loves them.
- walking around furnitue
- playing with balls
- opening and closing doors
- swinging
- bottles - this one might be a hard one to ween away
- cereal, puffs, yogurt melts
- squirming
- being on the go
- pushing the train around... EVERYWHERE!
- playing with Zoey's toys
Dax does not like..
- being put down
- going to sleep.. fights it- until he finally lays on the floor
- sitting for too long
- textures of certain foods
Weight: 18lbs 14 oz
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