Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pensacola Air Museum

Bright and early I packed the kids up and took them to the Naval Base for the Blue Angel Practice and the Air Museum.. Dax is a bit obsessed with airplanes, helicopters, and any mode of transportation.. and Zoey is always in love with airplanes. In fact I was a bit worried that she would be mad we were not getting into one and flying somewhere.. thankfully she was ok.

First was Blue Angel practice! To say I love watching the Blues is an understatement... Zoey thought it was a bit loud so she spent most of the time covering her ears.. Dax thought it was great. But then Zoey warmed up and liked when the airplanes wrote letters in the sky with smoke.

Dax loving the show!

After the show we went inside and enjoyed the air conditioning and the exhibits. Zoey and Dax loves climbing into the plane cockpits.. both were equally sad to get out of them.

Then of course we couldn't leave without visiting the play area... geniuses those museum people. The place was mobbed.. but it was the perfect way to end the day...

Dax was DONE! perfect trip!

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