Tuesday, September 27, 2011

15 months!

my little dax is 15 months...

dax can..
- charm his teachers into holding him
- sing twinkle twinkle.. or at least have the gibberish going to the melody
- climb! on EVERYTHING! .. the playset outside, furniture, the ottoman,
- say more and more words (well i understand what he is saying)... pretty much everyone's name, backpack, oliver, airplane
- say two word phrases. bye bye dada

dax likes.. .
- FOOD - he is a non stop eating machine.. how is this boy so tiny?
- being held
- going to school... he walks to his room all by himself...and is happy to go
- his teachers at school
- falling.. he falls ALL THE TIME!
- making us laugh
- his bottle.. im trying.. but he loves it.
- saying bye to everyone and everything..
- to dance and sing

dax does not like...
- being put down
- not getting his way
- when his sister takes his toy.

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