Wednesday, June 2, 2010

36 weeks...

So its official.. one month or less for DAX! I am soo excited! This pregnancy has been great... no problems, no complications, little or no issues.. but if I were pregnant for longer than expected... let's just say Zoey might be an only child.

I will be very excited once this is over... not only to see my sweet baby boy, but to be done with pregnancy. I love feeling him move all over, and kick. But let's just say there are several things I will not miss...

- my fingers and toes swelling.. by the time Dax is here my fingers might have swelled so much that they have become flippers

my fingers don't normally look like this...

- swelling all over.. I am already noticing my face getting bigger.. last time no one would tell me this was happening, this time I am aware. (see picture below)
- wearing a replacement wedding ring.. i really miss mine.
- heartburn... more like heart inferno!
- Tums and all the yummy flavors!
- being hot.. indoors.. with air conditioning!
- Stuffy noses = worse snoring than ever! I normally snore, but now I wake myself up.
- Bloody noses and gums! - I know just what you wanted to read, but its true
- Gary not sleeping in the same bed due to snoring
- Not being able to move in normal ways - couches are a new enemy of mine.
- Not being able to breath - HORRIBLE! I just want one deep breath.. is that so much to ask for.
- Braxton hicks - These are a cruel cruel joke on Pregnant women.
- Not being able to lay in a comfortable position for extended periods of time... either Dax doesn't like the position or one of my arms falls asleep.. this is lovely in the middle of the night
- Peeing CONSTANTLY!.. it doesn't help that Zoey is the official toilet flusher, so I never get to use the restroom alone.
- Waking up in the middle of the night.. i know this won't end once Dax is here, but at least I will get to look at a cute baby..

I know in the end its all worth it.. and one day I will miss being pregnant, but in this here and now.. IT SUCKS! (despite the smile...its only for show)


Cherie said...

Such a cute picture Emily! I love that Zoey is the official toilet flusher. Haha!! I'm getting excited for you to meet little Dax. I can totally empathize with the swelling thing. There's really nothing like feeling water slosh around in your ankles just by walking. Ugh. It'll be over soon :) We're thinking about you!

Super B said...

Wow. How exciting! I hope that you can last this last month! You look great! And I am with you on most of those symptoms...
take care.