Monday, August 30, 2010

Zoey at 28 months

I was going to wait to post this about Zoey until she was 2 and 1/2.. but she has so many things that I don't want to forget that I have to do it now..

- Zoey has not been eating much as of late, when you ask her if she wants something she says "No thank you, i good"... until you ask her about something she actually wants
- Her favorite foods are chocolate milk (made by daddy), fruit, chips, cookies, ice cream.. you get the idea
- She is smart.. too smart for her own good.. and her memory is RIDICULOUS! She will bring up an event that took place MONTHS ago.. for no reason.
- Her favorite phrases are "Maybe I can't..." "I'd really like.." "... real quickly..."
- She LOVES her shows - Curious George, Sid the Science Kid, Super Why, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, and Dora
- Her favorite movie is Curious George 2 or as she calls it Kayla (the name of the elephant in the movie.. duh)
- She is still a thumb sucker
- Zoey is DRAMA! - she is very good at being two years old.. happy one minute, full on melt down the next.
- She loves playing on the computer.
- She knows her birthday, where she is from, and how to spell her name...
- She loves playing on our phones
- She loves her baby brother and will remind me.. "don't forget Dax" "turn on the colors for Dax" (His music and colors thing in the car
- She loves to chase the puppies
- Zoey does not like being told no.. she will scream and then clap her hands when she gets upset.
- Zoey can ask nicely for things, when reminded
- Zoey can count in Spanish to ten
- Zoey knows all her letters, by sight, and is starting to recognize words that start with certain letters
- Zoey can recognize letters by sound
- Zoey can count to twenty, knows her shapes and colors.
- She has memorized a couple books and 'reads' them to us.
- Zoey LOVES to dance and act like a princess with her tutu on...
- Zoey can win over her daddy in about 3 seconds, she now goes to him when she wants something or when she gets in trouble with mom, she screams for daddy
- She loves to go places. We often can't say the word "go".. because she will immediately say.. "I can go to"
- She especially loves to go to the store.
- If she wakes up, she immediately goes to our room... thankfully
- If she wakes up from a nap, or can't fall asleep, she comes out to find us

I am sure there are many more things about Zoey that I could put... she is an amazing little kid, who is super smart, and sweet. I can't believe how big she is.. Stop growing baby girl.

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