Friday, August 26, 2011

14 months!

Dax is 14 months! its getting better and better everyday!

Dax can..
- sign more, drink, food, milk
- say hello, bye bye, something that sounds like backpack(he learned this from Dora)
- pretend to talk on a cell phones and play with fake food/kitchen
- dance
- get into EVERYTHING!
- throw a temper tantrum
- make animal noises for lion (his favorite), dog, duck, pig, bunny, almost a cow (right now it just sounds like mmmmm... )

Dax likes..
- food! especially grapes
- bottles - this boy is addicted!
- his mama
- playing
- getting into every door/drawer/box
- to be sung to

Dax does not like..
- being told no
- not getting what he wants

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