Monday, March 10, 2008

Too many things...

I know more than one post in a day... lame.. but i figured if i didn't do this today.. it might be weeks before i got the pictures off my camera and actually posted them on here... so here you go..

1. My dad, step-mom, and little brothers came into town this weekend and though we didn't do much.. it was fun to have them around and hang out with family. We did manage to take them out to McGuire's-the greatest restaurant on the the planet.. and as you can see from the picture below my dogs LOVE their uncle brett!

2. So one of the horrible side effects of my pregnancy has been constant runny/bloody noses, and TERRIBLE snoring! I even wake myself up sometimes! Its absolutely terrible and worse of all my poor loving husband has been reduced to sleeping in the guest room almost every night since we have moved in...(he tries to sleep in our bed every night and then inevitably lands up in the other room..) So tonight i am experimenting tonight with these remedies... any suggestions??

ps- the ear plugs are for Gary... hopefully we can sleep in the same room now...

3. Thanks to our wonderful friends... Zoey's room is just about complete.. notice the letters.. i painted them myself! i know i felt so martha! I just can't wait until there is a little girl living in there!

4. My amazing step-mom made this goregous blanket for Zoey! It's sooo soft and wonderful that i might steal it from Zoey!

5. Alright you must really like us to still be reading this... 34 weeks.. and apparently that turns you ghostly white... i don't know what happened to the pictures but i tried it several times and each time this is what came out.. so i gave in and looked ghostly! the good thing is this picture means only 6 more weeks! i'm excited to see Zoey.. and get some of my body back! Once again I encourage comparision with older pictures for the true effect...

1 comment:

Stacia said...

Man, I forget how un-lovely being pregnant is, and how uncomfortable it got. Your poor hubby has to sleep in the other room. That stinks. Tell him that at least he is actually sleeping. Just wait til Zoey is here, and its a whole other ball game! You are a cute pregger lady too!